Wednesday, August 02, 2006

It seems that, as I have such a big fresh mouth, I would not have been able to resist this endeavor sooner.

If that comment makes any sense, we will get along just fine.

Being a gay Muslim is a rough road to tread. Rather than accept the limitations that either group has been forced to accept in our era, I have chosen the much harder path; to forge my own road as a unique creature. I have come to terms with my sexual identity as well as my spiritual identity, and I have done it by seeking only the most pragmatic of solutions. As I gained courage and strength from being a muslim in a christian world, instead of letting the dogma guide me, I chose to borrow that strength to find and forge my own view of enlightenment. A path that assumed that God knew best when he created me Gay. Any divine force that can create a universe, certainly knows how to get such a minor part of it as Andreus Thanos exactly the way he intended.

I am half Greek and half Persian, but my mother's side of the family emigrated to Croatia from the Persian lands centuries ago. I had the good fortune of being born in America, the place that they chose to build a life in together. Their relationship with each other as well as mine with them has never been anything less than intense and challenging. With so many cultural currents pulling in so many directions, we were almost doomed from the start as a functional family unit. But thats a story for later. For now, just understand that I've travelled the world with my family as a child and young man, and now as a young man on my own, trying to find my place in it.

The choices I have made have at times been as extreme as my heritage. I have no shame for doing whatever I have had to do to survive. I am an evolving creature with every passing day, so dont be suprised when I occasionally take a hard turn into uncharted territory. just buckle in, and you are welcome along. As long as we greet every life as sacred and every human being entitled to kindness, you are welcome.

This blog is where I want to continue my exploration of being a young gay man in search of love, fun, sexual expression, and acceptance while being a young Muslim man in search of his soul.

Its hard to figure out where the gay part meets with the Muslim part, and I have never faltered in the exploration.

Yeah... thats what we'll call it.

Exploration of my parts.

Of course, I've always needed a helping hand for for such undertakings.

what do you say?

are you up to it?


Anonymous said...

You completely fascinate me :0)

I plan on helping you discover more about yourself as I learn about you.

Anonymous said...

a most interesting blog you have set up for yourself and others to read and share with.

is the blog only intended for the current and present times, or shall you be dealing with anything from the recent past? asked only as a means of understanding where you are now and gain insight into that, not intended to relive the past.

and will you deal at all with your present situation of a personal nature for people to view where you are coming fom now?

AndreusThanos said...

This is for me to explore my world, in all tenses... past present and future.


its NOT a gossip collumn.

its not a rebuttal.

its just a blog.

I'll answer as many questions as you guys have, but within the limits of discretion. I will not violate anyones trust for any reason.

Thanks for the visit and question !


Anonymous said...

As I share cyberspace, I wonder about the REAL person behind the blogs and posts.

I wonder if the cyberself is the same or even similar to the real self, and I wonder this more about those for whom I develop a fondness.

I know you from JUB, and I have developed the habit of noticing your posts and developing a sense for the person behind them.

Thank you for the willingness to share this look into the real Andreus.

Even though there is security in the annonymity of cyberspace, few of us bravely allow real intimacy.

I wish you strength and sound direction on your journey. Many thanks for inviting me to walk with you, even for this short while.

Fellow JUBber, spooger

Anonymous said...

Fascinating! I’ll have to remind myself to check in from time to time and see how your journey has progressed. Thank you for sharing this insight.

Anonymous said...


I believe that Jeremiah said it all in his first sentence. "You completely facinate me"

I have said this to you and others numerous times I look forward to reading your posts, and I will also look forward in coming back to your blog and see what else you have written.

I'd like to know out of all of the places you have visited, do you have any favorites?


Anonymous said...

you never cease to amaze me
like i said before, theres always something new coming from you...

of course im up to it
good luck ;)


Anonymous said...

this blog may become a problem for me, it can only make me like you more
best of luck,
very much looking forward to next entries


AndreusThanos said...

to chas...


Ihave favorite times of the year in certain places, but I love cities and their individuality more than just about anything.

the blue mosque in Istanbul was incredible.

Cairo for the Millenium will stick with me forever. they had a huge rave beside the great pyramid and a laser light show on the side of the pyramid

i am getting goosebumps just thinking about it.

Anonymous said...

Are you really a young man, or just 'young at heart'?

Anonymous said...

I would hope that we all go through a similar journey in light of the fact that most faiths and societies do not look upon us favorably. I know that I myself, many years ago prayed daily, and often many times a day, for God to take these feelings away from me. To make me like everyone else. To help me not be a disappointment to my family. I finally realized that since I believed, and since I prayed, and since I tried everything I could to not be gay, that God's answer to my prayers were "No". That this is who I am to be, this is my way in life and that he is fine with me being me and wants me to just be a better man, to leave the world a little better than I found it and to truely love and be loved. I see may journey much clearer now, and the prosepect of death being nearer than I thought has made me realize that I am at peace with myself and with my God!

Anonymous said...

I greatly look forward to following your blog. I can relate to some of the things you speak of, and I hope by reading through your posts, I can, with your examples and experiences, make certain decisions in my life, concerning my cultural, religious, and sexual identity. Good luck with everything.